Coshare Holdings Berhad
Financial Services | Selangor, Malaysia

Total 0 Job(s)

Coshare Holdings Berhad
Financial Services | Selangor, Malaysia

Total 0 Job(s)
Company Description
1. Provide financial services/ assistance to government servants 2. Develop entrepreneur for retail business 3. Manufacture and export edible oil
Why Join Us
We offer a flexible and relax working environment in the office. We work in an open communication in our daily working life and we strive for group success.
Company Details
Company Industry
Financial Services
Company Type
Small-Medium Enterprize
Company Size
30-100 Employees
Company Website
Company Address
No25G pusat perdagangan kota damansara the strand jalan pju5/20A , 47810, petaling jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
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Coshare Holdings Berhad

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